Tuesday, August 07, 2007

In Preparation...

tonight i began my novena for the feast of the assumption. i found it here and i particularly love this one. i don't know why but i am enamored with this phrase from it, "Teach me how small earth becomes when viewed from heaven." i get so hung up on this, on the stuff, on the here and now...and totally miss the big, the biggest picture. what is that you say? that this all doesn't matter. that it's passing, it's fleeting, it's just that, the here and now. but it is not the forever, the eternal, the unchanging. i get mired in the stuff.

and now that we are on it, why is it that once we have accepted that we may be disappointed...God goes and changes the ballgame? i don't know. it's late and i need to sleep. maybe i'll have the answer tomorrow. if you already have it...could you let me in on the secret? thanks.


Blogger Beth said...

Heather, I thought the readings/homily on Sunday were so perfect! We are so precious to our heavenly Father and He will take care of us. We have to let go of thinking we know what that means. I loved the question of the week last week as well...what do I think about, dream about, obsess about and how does that further the kingdom of God? (my paraphrase). Really puts things in perspective. Beth

3:48 PM


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