Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Where Two Or More Are Gathered...

tonight the weather was horrible. thunder, lightning, torrential rain...and anything else you can think of that fits into this category...we had it. and tonight was also the monthly praise and worship night at our parish. i, and a group of great friends, play for this night where we sing songs of praise while Jesus is exposed in the monstrance on the altar and confessions are available. the night of course wraps up with formal benediction. the night unfortunately only draws a small crowd but it is always a blessing...because He is there. well tonight, it seemed like nobody was coming so when father came we told him that we were probably going to pack up and go home. holding the empty monstrance in his hand he looked at us with a forlorn little smile and said, "but you know, He said, where two or more are gathered...there am I." we couldn't argue with a very holy priest speaking scripture. so, for fear of blowing something out...or up...as the case may be (for fear of lightning), we decided that we would not plug in the sound board for our microphones and whatnot and just make a semi-circle facing the altar and sing our hearts out for Him. we sang for an hour. we sang just for Him. it wasn't so that others could hear...it was only for Him. and it was so good. so good to spend that time, face to face with Him, pouring out my soul through songs of praise and thanksgiving. it was quite the reminder that even if it was just me, He still would have done everything He has done, everything...for just me. gazing into that monstrance i saw Him smiling, thanking us for sharing our gifts tonight, for only Him. not for glory, not for pride, but just because they are the gifts and talents that He gave to us and we were giving them back to Him. i have always said that the little chapel we play in feels like the upper room and tonight, there we were. we were gathered around Him, pouring out ourselves, our day, our life and He was there, on that altar, in our midst. what a blessing! oh thank you Lord for the gift!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh how very beautiful! He is so good!!!

I felt I couldn't leave the kids alone with the crazy weather. I really wanted to be there.

5:41 AM

Blogger Stephanie Zimmerman said...

I came in wound up tight and feeling so removed - I left light as a feather and floated home. I am so blessed to sing for Him with such good friends :-)

11:28 AM


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