Monday, October 06, 2008

Simply Monday - October 6th

outside my window - it is still dark and chilly.

i am thinking - that today is going to be a long day. my son broke out with some strange rash on saturday. so, today we are going to try and get as much schoolwork done before we need to leave for his doctor's appt at ten thirty and then decide whether we are going to come home or not before my daughter needs to be somewhere on the other side of town. i love living where we do now away from the city, but travels have to be planned with care.

from the learning rooms - there is alot of dawdling from my oldest. if staring off into nowhere and accomplishing nothing were an olympic sport...she would be champion of the world.

i am thankful for - not bringing all of my stuff back from the consignment sale. but, it was sheer craziness. that's a complete post in and of itself.

from the kitchen - today i am hoping to throw a loaf of bread in the machine for a meal i am taking to someone and then hopefully on to the applesauce.

i am wearing - ...yup, the workout clothes.

i am reading - multiple cooking magazines trying to jazz up our menu. i'm getting tired of cooking the same thing week after week. and who knows. they may be tired of eating it too.

i am hoping - to get my mind and my house straightened around this week and feel like i have some hold on order. things have been a jumble lately.

i am creating - some ideas on how to celebrate the liturgical calendar with my kids.

i am hearing - mostly quiet except the quiet chatter of my son in the bathroom down the hall as his daddy dries him off from his bath and covers him in hydrocortisone to stop his itchys.

around the house - there is laundry to wash and to fold (as per usual...or as per always), clutter that needs to be tamed and i really need to take all the summer stuff out of the kids drawers. i got out the pants and long sleeves but they keep showing up with shorts from somewhere.

one of my favorite things - is how my little boy's hair smells right after a bath. he always comes in and says "hey mommy, smell me. i smell good." and i have to take advantage of this right away because well, this is the little boy whose room has smelled like a locker room since he was eighteen months old.

a few plans for the rest of the week - the doctor's, little flowers, band rehearsal, spanish, piano, gymnastics, dance, nature study...oops, that's more than a few huh?

here's a picture thought i am sharing with you -
my animals put on a dancing show

have a great day and don't neglect all the other great daybooks that can be found over at peggy's.


Blogger Pamela said...

Cute animals!

As always, reading your Daybook leaves me with a smile on my face.

Have a great week and I hope the doctor has a quick remedy for the itchys.

7:35 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

great picture!
I have 5 boys and 3 girls..lockerroom? yeah..I totally get that

1:53 PM


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