This Is The Day...This Is The Day...Of The Giveaway...
of the giveaway...let us rejoice...let us rejoice...and hope we win...and hope we win...oh, this is the day of the giveaway, let us rejoice and hope we win (somebody stop me here!). hope you enjoyed that little sing along furnished by my short stint as a child in sunday school at the local methodist church. anyway, it's here. so please leave me a comment and you will be entered to am i telling nope. but you can super cool. *i forgot to mention earlier that this is US mailing only, sorry.*
***another update (hee, hee) i will stop the comments (Ok, technically i don't know how to technologically do that) but i'll get the number that are there at 10 pm tonight, saturday, 11/3. i'll draw a winner some time (don't hold your breath for speed) after that. actually, i'll probably ask my husband to give me a number between 1 and whatever (he's impartial...don't worry). oh, and here's your first hint for those who are late entering. the sparkly. have fun!***
head over to "rocks in my dryer" to sign up yourself and find the list of other participants