Venite Adoramus Dominum!
merry christmas from our home, to yours.
Love all lovely, Love divine.
Love came down at Christmas.
Star and angels gave the sign."
- Rossetti
of course that is to be sung to the tune of "it's beginning to look alot like christmas." but anyway. the past few days have been a marathon. i really can't completely remember what i have done but hey. i know in fact the last week has been filled with all to many trips to walmart to pick up the pictures for my christmas cards that came like three days later than they promised. so, my cards finally went out yesterday instead of tuesday like i had planned. oh well, as long as they get there by january 6th it's still christmas right?
today we made cookies...
well, did that get your attention? it's been so long since i've posted and there has been alot going on.
well, i haven't posted since thanksgiving...because's been downright crazy around here. since then we've had two birthdays, company from out of town, a horrible meeting about our new home, a craft show, multiple dress rehearsals and hours of hair curling, a dance recital, lots of sleepless nights and have also sold our house (yep, we're no longer homeowners, we can call ourselves tenants in our own home). i think that run on sentence shows exactly how with it i am right about now. i think i am possibly figuring out what day and time it is. which reminds me...i should be in bed. anyway, today is the first sunday of advent. tonight we used our advent wreath for dinner and as usual, the kids love it. we blessed the wreath, read the scripture for today, lit the candle and sang "o come, o come emmanuel." we have a beautiful advent wreath which my grandmother gave me for christmas a few years ago just days before she died. the wreath is actually four separate pieces with a statue on each. i would love to show you a picture but our pc crashed the other day and i'm writing this on my husband's mac. oh people, it is so painful. i have refused in the past to learn it but now i fear i may have no other choice. the love of my life informs me that i can use the camera the same on here as on the pc but i'm afraid that grasping something new tonight may actually cause my head to explode. i'm a teensy bit fragile right now you see. ok, so he's going downstairs to take a picture of the wreath for me. i guess i'll just close my eyes, plug my ears and hum while he uploads it.